Welcome to the Unlocking Visual Thinking Course

Welcome to Unlocking Visual Thinking!

I want to help you get more out of your work and career by making it more visual.

There are many ways to do visual thinking, as you’ll find out in the visual thinking overview. Use it to improve how you capture and learn new information, process and develop your ideas, as well as organizing and communicating those ideas to others. Whether you want to use visual thinking in your job, for yourself, to collaborate, or in your community, this course is to help you engage more visually with the world you live in and the work you do.

One of the things you’ll learn about is my VAST framework for learning visual thinking. I want to show you how far you can go with visual thinking so you can identify your own goals. We are only going to tackle a small portion of VAST in this course, but how far you go after that is up to you.

Are you ready?


In this section you will:

  • Learn about what visual thinking is and some of its many uses
  • Learn about the 4 Paths of visual thinking called VAST. It’s not just about drawing!
  • Take the VAST Self Assessment to see where you feel comfortable
  • Set some goals for how you want to use visual thinking in your work

Things you should have when working through this section:

  • A writing/drawing surface and tool. (I.e. notebook and pen/pencil, iPad and apple pencil, etc.)

Video Transcript

Welcome to unlocking visual thinking in your work.

This course is designed for working professionals who want to better see and understand the world that they work in, turn their ideas into reality, and level up their contribution to their team their, organization, and their own career.

My goal isn't to just introduce you to visual thinking. I want to give you immediately applicable skills that you can start using today.

As you work through this course, you'll be unlocking abilities that are yours if you choose to step into them. Eighty percent of what you learn is through your eyes, and your brain is built to process information visually. This course is simply completing the circuit in your development as a visual thinker, with some visual first mindsets, filters, and skills.

At the end of this course, you will have the ability to draw at a level appropriate for capturing, processing, and communicating business ideas; filter what you read and hear into visuals; use visual thinking in your everyday life; choose the tools you want to use in your visual thinking work and development; level up your skills at a pace you choose.

As you complete this course you will be joining a community of professionals who see the value of visual thinking in their career and in their community and in their company. We wish you all the best at the start of this journey and we can't wait to see where it takes you.

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