Our expanded experience of work (in-person, remote, hybrid, and more) has made apparent the need for new, more human-centered tools for collaboration.

Build your collaboration toolbox with creative strategies for vision and strategy work using visuals.

The VAST Method introduces visual thinking skills to people at all levels of organizations so that everyone can see a clear path forward.

Using the VAST Method for Visual Thinking, Your Organization Can...

A marker, pen and pencil in the shape of the letter V

Clarify Complexity

It can be hard to see the big picture of big, thorny problems. Visual thinking provides frameworks and ways of filtering information to clarify complexity.

A brain with lighting bolts shooting out in three different directions

Ignite Innovation

Seeing things visually has a way of encouraging us to think meow creatively.

Various tools for visual thinking; an ipad, a whiteboard, a notebook, an iPhone, and a pen tablet.

Hear All Voices

Everyone on your team has something important to contribute. Capturing conversations with live visuals ensures that all voices are heard.

An image of two people, one person speaking while the other draws what’s being said

Work Better Together

Visual thinking can be done on a whiteboard, using a pen and paper, or with collaboration software. Learning to make the most of these tools will help your team work better together, virtually or in-person.

Learn the VAST Method

The VAST Method's courses are designed to bring visual thinking skills into your entire organization, so your team can be better aligned.

Using our VAST Method for visual thinking, we teach:

  • How to develop their VISUAL skills (anything from simple shapes and arrows to iconography)
  • How to be ADAPTIVE when processing information, by using visual frameworks and systems to filter and clarify information
  • How to SHARE new ideas with small groups or in front of a whole team
  • How to actually use the wide range of TOOLS available for visual thinking (from pen and paper to digital whiteboards)

Course Bonuses!

  • Activity downloads
  • Quizzes and self-assessment
  • Free access to all course content for 12 months

Money-Back Guarantee!

We know that it is hard to invest in yourself. But we also know the impact that visual thinking skills can have on your work. So, we are happy to offer a 30-day no-risk, money-back guarantee.

"Once I realized that I was using visual thinking to build my business faster I was able to identify the skills that were effective so I could get even better results."

- Eric Oakland, Co-Founder & Instructor

Once I started talking about visual thinking with other business leaders, I found accountants, bankers, engineers, and CEOs who use visual thinking to regularly process information and communicate more clearly with their team and clients.

You don’t have to be a creative person to be a visual thinker in a way that benefits you or your team.

About Relumed

Relumed is a visual facilitation agency, dedicated to moving visual thinking up the decision-making ladder in business. We developed the VAST Method of visual thinking to teach leaders and teams new approaches to collaboration. Our unique perspective is founded in more than 15 years as entrepreneurs, with an understanding of the importance of bringing creative approaches to the strategy level of business. We are a curious, compassionate team and we are continually searching for new ways to use the power of visuals in business.


What if I don’t want to be a professional visual thinker?

Our VAST Method of visual thinking is teaching you to bring visual thinking into the amazing work you already do. It’s like a new superpower. But you get to decide how you want to use it. You can use visual thinking skills to be a better listener in meetings. Or you can use those skills to facilitate team meetings. Either way, you get to decide!

Why should I pay you to teach me to draw for my work?

You probably shouldn’t! Visual thinking is clearly a visual way to process information, but the visual skills we teach are only one part of our method. The most important and impactful parts are the ways we teach you to filter information and collaborate with others. That is where the magic happens!

I want to sign up my whole team. Should we all register for your course?

It depends! If you want to teach your whole team visual thinking, it may be better for us to work with you on a dedicated training session for your team. Contact us at [email protected] and we can get that set up for you.